Nov 28, 2014

NULLA OSTA / T.N.T. - No Justice...No Peace!! Tape (2004)

Nulla Osta hardcore punk band Pula Croatia
TNT grindcore hardcore band Kranj Slovenia


Nov 20, 2014

Nov 13, 2014

Babylon Bleibt Fahren comp. LP (1985)

1. VARUKERS (UK) "Stop the Killing"
2. MURDER INC. III (Holland) "Stoer Zonder Studs"
3. WRETCHED (Italy) "La Logica Del Potere"
4. NEUROOT (Holland) "State Brain"
5. ZYKLOME A (Belgium) "De Bommen Vallen"
6. LÄRM (Holland) "Disorder"
7. WINTERSWIJK CHAOS FRONT (Holland) "Wargames"
8. MAU MAUS (UK) "Facts Of War"
9. CHLORIX (Holland) "Jehova's"
10. CANAL TERROR (Germany) "Staatsfeind"
11. BGK (Holland) "Rules"
12. BRIGADE FOZZY (Germany) "T4"
13. PANDEMONIUM (Holland) "Feelings Won't Change"
14. MDC (USA) "Dick For Brains"
15. SCOUNDRELS (Holland) "Fuck The Queen"
16. BLOEDBAD (Holland) "Resultaat van de NAVO"
17. STANX (Holland) "I Hate"
18. DISGUST (Holland) "Brainwash"
19. DELIRIUM (Holland) "Discipline"
20. BOSKOPS (Germany) "1990"
21. PANDEMONIUM (Holland) "Mit Schwarzer Fahne"
22. AMEBIX (UK) "Largatyl"

Nov 2, 2014

K-15 - Demo 1998

hardcore punk band from Pula Croatia
Thanx Alex