Feb 20, 2009

UNHOLY GRAVE - Against Terrorism EP (2003)

Grindcore from Japan. myspace.com/unholygrave

Chaostage 2009 DVDRip

CHAOSTAGE is movie part fictional, part documentary it tells the story of some young punks, nazi skinheads and policemen on a normal weekend in germanys summer days. When the all meet at a certain point,it comes to a desaster. Riots in the street, wild punkrock and crazy entertainment - chaosdays.

GBH - City Baby Attacked By Rats (1982)


Feb 18, 2009

CITIZENS ARREST - Colossus Discography 2xLP (2009)

Citizens Arrest was a hardcore punk band from New York,
USA that existed from 1988-1990.Influences by bands
like Siege,Negative FX,and SOA.

1989 Demo
A Light In The Darkness EP
Compilation Tracks
Collosus LP